Which do you prefer, a glossy ring or a mat ring?

What kind of ring do you imagine when you hear the word "ring"?

Is the shape round? Or is it a different shape?

What is the material?

What kind of design is it?

Is it glossy?

Even if you say ring, I think what each person imagines is different.

There are various rings at our shop,

About half of the people choose glossy and half of them choose mat.

"I like this kind of ring!"

Even if you think that, when you actually see it and try on a sample, the impression may be different.

It's a mat that fits nicely.

I already have a mat ring, so I"ll chose a glossy ring,

Some people want to make all the rings they wear glossy.

If there are ten people, there will be ten choices! 😊

In my case,

if I want to bring out the casualness, I"ll choose a mat finish.

It will also be a mat when you want to calm down a little.

I wear a glossy ring

when I want to raise my mood or feel special.

When I go to a formal place, I often wear it.


coordinate with accessories other than rings, like clothes and bags.

I'm a little maniac

When my face is reflected on the glossy mirror surface, the tension rises.

When making a glossy ring, 

I will polish it many many times from a dull state.

Then, the reflextion of my face gradually becomes blurry.

At the end, it becomes shiny enough to make out the facial expression of your face!

Is this because I"m a craftsman?

What you make and what you wear are separate, so ... 😁

I hope you will realize there's such an opinion^^

For those whohave a hard time making a choice, we can make it half mat and half glossy.

Please consult us at the shop!

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

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