Ginkgo tree of the White Dragon Shrine in winter

Do you remember the article about the Great Ginkgo of Hakuryudaijin(White Dragon Shrine) that I posted earlier?

When a lot of ginkgo nuts were growing, a lot of them fell in the alley in front of itoaware 🌰
One month after that ...
The green leaves have changed to beautiful yellow 👘
The alley full of ginkgo nuts is now a yellow carpet with ginkgo leaves 🍁
If you look closely, the shape of each leaf is different and it is full of individuality ☺️
It's a difficult time, but the seasons are still changing 🌲
The cold winter is slowly approaching in December, so please take care of yourself.
And I wish you a wonderful new year with no illness for the first month of the year 🙏✨

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