aisorashi's online shop

Hello everyone!

Did you know that there is an online shop for aisorashi, a sister store of itoaware?

Even at our shop, when we have an order or inquiry from our customer who wants to have a ring made and mailed to their home, it will be shipped from Ishikawa Prefecture where our head office is located.

Online shop →

There are K18 gold, kK0 gold, platinum, silver, combination ring, optional engraving, etc.
We also have a lineup of rings that can be ordered at our real store and other products.
Although on the online shop the rings are described as a poco poco ring,

it is possible to choose other patterns such as KataKata and  ZaraZara by entering the name of the pattern in the remarks column😊

The online shop is for those who want the same ring because they lost the ring they made,
for those who want to make another ring for the same finger with a different material

but cannot easily go to the real shop because it is too far.

Especially now that we have Corona, the online shop is for people want to refrain from going out. .. .. ..

You can buy the ring at the online shop without going out,
You can take your time to  choose products at home 🙆‍♀️

Please also visit this online shop 🍀

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

指輪屋 itoaware -いとあはれ- 最安で3,300円(Silver)から作ることができ、当日中にお持ち帰りが可能な手作りリングのお店です。 梅田から徒歩10分程のところにあるレトロな中崎町の古民家で職人が1点1点丁寧に仕立てます。 素材はSilverをはじめ、ゴールドやプラチナもございます。 指輪の内側に刻印を入れることも可能です。


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