Spring is coming with a gust

I heard the news that the first gust of spring may blow on 2/4 in 2021.

The first gust is said to be the wind that signals spring after a long and harsh winter.

And this etymology is said to be old but it is quite recent.

According to the "Latest Meteorological Encyclopedia" published by Tokyodo, there is a theory that it was about 150 years ago.

It is said that it was used in Iki in the 6th year of Ansei (1859 AD).

And it wasn't until a little later that it was used in the world ...

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, it is defined as the first sign of the arrival of spring.

Between the beginning of spring and the equinox, there is a low pressure system in the Sea of ​​Japan, the temperature of Zenshi Chiyori is high, and the maximum wind speed and direction are also defined.

It seems that this definition is slightly different depending on the region.

I was a little surprised because I thought it was a word that has been used since ancient times just like "itoaware" (いとあはれ)

You may have heard the name of our shop "Itoaware" in ancient Chinese texts.

It is an expression to express the impression of "Oh, how beautiful ...".

New words are born one after another, and there are many new words in Kojien,

I think it is also important to make use of old words in the present age.

"Itoaware" The sound of words that have been used for a long time

And "words and rings that will be passed down to future generations"

The rings we make at our shop are not ready-made products, but are handmade one by one.

In addition, we also offer a ring-making session whereby you can texture the surface of the rings with the pattern of your choice.

Why don't you make a precious ring as a "Oh, how beautiful thing"?

We are open on both cold and hot days ^^

We look forward to welcoming you ✨

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

指輪屋 itoaware -いとあはれ- 最安で3,300円(Silver)から作ることができ、当日中にお持ち帰りが可能な手作りリングのお店です。 梅田から徒歩10分程のところにあるレトロな中崎町の古民家で職人が1点1点丁寧に仕立てます。 素材はSilverをはじめ、ゴールドやプラチナもございます。 指輪の内側に刻印を入れることも可能です。


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