How about itoaware’s ring for your lucky item?

Previously, my mother told me this and that about amulet and  since it will be an unlucky year (called "yakudoshi" in Japan), she said she will buy me accessories with rainbow-colored stone.

I didn't have time to go and choose such accessories at that time, 

I asked my mother to make an accessory using the five yen coin as the shell of the turtle and knit it with a rainbow colored string.

I am a daughter who is satisfied with cheap things😆

A long time ago, an elderly customer who was good at making things gave me a turtle knitted with a string on a 5-yen coin.
In that case, the five yen coin was a lucky charm, a turtle was also a lucky charm, and a charm with a long tail would also bring more luck.
Remember, if you need a rainbow on your amulet, why not knit it with a rainbow colored string?
I thought ^^
Do you know the word amulet?
It's like a talisman in Japan, and it is said that if you wear it, you will be lucky and you will have a talisman.
It is also said that it will give you protection.
And the rainbow stone mentioned at the beginning,
It is said that the generic name for jewelry with seven-colored jewels is also called an amulet.
It seems that they sometimes wear amulets as accessories and other ornaments.

And I remembered that my mother told me that "long things" were good.
That's why many jewelry amulets are long, such as necklaces ^^
"Long" means longevity and health in Japan.

When I hear amulets in Japan, I imagine amulets in shrines and temples.
There are various shapes in various countries around the world 😊
Dreamcatcher, Clover, Rosary, Ganesha ...
What are your lucky items?
Imagine what you carry with you all the time, or what you keep in your hands when you need it.
In other words, it's also a talisman!
For example, a necklace given by my mother, a necklace given to me at the age of 20
Watches I bought with my first salary, etc ...

As well as being a talisman, it also contains memories, making it a very memorable item.
Some of our rings are also amulets ^^
Those who come to make a ring with friends and lovers because they will be away for a while

I'm starting a new job, so I'm going to carry a handmade ring, etc.
There are various people.

After all
it's because "only one ring for you in the world" is made 💍
You can also have an experience of texturing a pattern onto the ring 's surface, so you also have memories of making that ring.
There is also a rare octagonal ring, and some people buy it as a ring that spreads out and is auspicious.

Would you like to make a ring that will be your lucky item at our shop “itoaware “?
Rings can be made from silver, gold and platinum materials.
If you are interested,
Please check out Instagram.

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

指輪屋 itoaware -いとあはれ- 最安で3,300円(Silver)から作ることができ、当日中にお持ち帰りが可能な手作りリングのお店です。 梅田から徒歩10分程のところにあるレトロな中崎町の古民家で職人が1点1点丁寧に仕立てます。 素材はSilverをはじめ、ゴールドやプラチナもございます。 指輪の内側に刻印を入れることも可能です。


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