Enjoy spring with a handmade pink gold ring

Hello everyone! !!

It's April!

When I passed in front of a real estate agent today, I saw many people starting a new life.

I've been watching since the end of February, remembering when I was a student, and watching them warmly 😊

When the cherry blossoms start to bloom, I feel uplifted that a new life will finally begin.

And April!

It's really finally here !! !!

Many of itoaware's customers say they are starting a new life so they are making rings

to commerate their new start!! 

Some people have moved to the neighborhood! !!

When listening to their stories "graduation", "employment", "moving", etc.

There were a lot of milestone words to start new things.

The cherry blossoms are in bloom and the feelings are radiant 🌸

I would like to recommend a pink gold ring on such a spring day.

It gives a gorgeous and bright impression.

Recently, it has become popular with men, and our male staff also wears pink gold rings.

It seems that some people feel that pink = something that women wear,

It's very fashionable and looks good ✨

Stack a thin pink gold ring on the ring you are already wearing.

You can also enjoy the difference in color 👍

We offer pink gold in K10 (starting from 11,000 yen) and K18 (starting from 27,500 yen)

There are two types.

Please come visit us ✨

Have a nice April, everyone!

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

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