A pleasant time at the Tower of the Sun


Before going to work, 

I had a cup of tea with the staff at the Taiyo no Tou (main store) (^ o ^)

(For your reference, "Taiyo no Tou" means "Tower of the Sun" )

One ordered only a drink,

One ordered a breakfast set (called "morning set" in Japan),

One ordered pudding and a drink.

We are so diverse ★

And as for me who is writing this blog,

the next day, I went again to the Taiyo no Tou (main store) and had a breakfast set.

I found out that it is open from early in the morning regardless of whether it"s Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays.

So I can"t help myself from going there often.

Moreover, in the morning, the coffee is served in a stainless steel tumbler.

It's HOT forever, and you can have a second helping freely until 11 o'clock ✨

Recommended for those who want spend a long time there to relax! !!

When you hear of the Tower of the Sun, it's in Expo Park,

The Tower of the Sun we went to is a cafe in Nakazakicho, and there are several stores in Nakazakicho.

It is a famous shop that everyone in the area knows.

The interior of the store is a retro space, with an atmosphere where time has stopped as it used to be long time ago.

Cakes etc. are also in the showcase

Some people come to buy only the standard lemon cake.

Morning includes salad, bread and drinks, and a refill of coffee is free until 11 o'clock ❤

The pudding is a little firm type of pudding 🎵

When you eat and chat, time goes by in a blink of an eye ...

I had an elegant time before going to work 😊

The interiors are all wonderful, and many creative ideas are likely to come up!

Why don't you relax in the retro space?

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

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