The charm of gold

Gold means "KIN” in Japanese! (The Japanese character is 金)

Gold has been popular from olden days, but it is said that gold started to be worn as a fashionable item from around the Edo period and that wedding rings were introduced in Japan around the Meiji era.

There is also a theory that it became popular with the introduction of Christianity.

And as Japan was called the Golden Land Zipangu,

gold is also something very  familiar for us 😊

At our shop, we also sell gold rings,

It is popular both as a fashion ring and as a wedding ring.

Generally speaking, when you think of "gold", the image of yellow gold comes to mind.

There is colored gold made by combining gold and another precious metal.

The gold we sell is K18 and K10.

High-purity K18 is 75% gold.

Affordable K10 is 42% gold.

It is said that those with high gold purity are less likely to cause allergies.

And one of the charm is that it does not discolor easily.

Also, there are colored gold other than yellow gold at our shop.

This is also one of the reasons why everyone chooses it.

  * Since allergies vary from person to person, 

   there are individual differences in what causes the allergy.

-Colored gold-

K18 yellow gold

K18 pink gold

K18 white gold

K10 yellow gold

K10 pink gold

K10 green gold

The most popular is green gold.

Many people come for this! !!

And pink gold is also popular with both men and women.

Many people have purchased both K18 and K10 ✨

My recommendation is K18.

The shine is beautiful and it enchants me.

It has a strong presence even when worn on a finger, and depending on the width of the ring, it delicately brightens your finger.

I think each person will choose a different color, but it's nice to have a combination ring whereby you can combine the gold color of you choice with another gold color !! !!

You can do the same for K10s.

For example, if a couple chooses wedding rings with different colors, ...

<White gold, pink gold>

You can have a combination ring made of white gold with a part of the gold your partner has chosen, for example pink gold.

Put your partner's white gold as part of your pink gold ring.

What kind of gold ring do you want?

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

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