Making a ring filled with your family's love💕

Hi !

This is Connie in charge of customer support😊

Among the customers who come to participate in our ring-texturing experience,

there are many who bring their familes along.

They make rings for various reasons, ie as a birthday present for one of their family members, to celebrate their child's graduation, to celebrate their child becoming an adult 

or to commemorate their trip to Osaka.

Such a family came today.

A family of four. Dad, Mom, Brother and Sister 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

They came to make a ring as a birthday present for Mom on the day of her birthday.

They chose green gold which is the most popular among the K10 rings at our shop.

They all decided to make a shiny PocoPoco pattern ring.

The PocoPoco texture will be hammered onto the ring.

Our craftsman will make the base ring in a little smaller size than the size measured by the ring guage. 

Pass this base ring through the iron size rod and the texturing process will start!

While hammering the ring, it will slowly stretch and the size will gradually become larger.

The whole family took turns hammering the pattern going bang, bang, bang🔨

First Mom did a little bang, bang, bang and Dad also went bang, bang bang.

Dad held the size rod and the kids took turns hammering bang, bang, bang.

During this process Mom put the ring on her finger several times to check the size, until it became just right. 

A perfect sized ring was made💍

The final finish will be done by our craftsman and a special message that the whole family decided on will be engraved onto the inside surface of the ring.

The only one-in-the-world original birthday gift ring is completed.

While the children were watching, Dad gently put it on Mom's finger,

Everyone, including myself who supported the experience, said, "Happy Birthday! clap, clap clap"👏

In this way, you can make happy memories as well as a special ring.

I'm sure it was an experience that will be a lifelong memory for the children.

A video of the pattern being hammered into the ring, a photo of  Mom wearing the ring on her finger surrounded by Dad and the children📸

If you wish, we will take photos & videos with your mobile phone, so please let us know.

You are welcome to participate in our ring-texturing experience even if a family of four come to make one ring.

Reservations can be made via Instagram DM, email, or by phone.

Please let us know how many people are coming and how many rings you intend to make.

We look forward to meeting many happy families.

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