Groups of 5 and 6 people are also welcome!

Hello  ! !

This is Connie in charge of customer service 😊

At itoaware Osaka, as an infection control measure, we measure the temperature of our customers and disinfect their hands with alcohol.

Thank you for your cooperation.

In addition, the hammers and tools used for the experience are disinfected with alcohol each time.

Customers can enjoy the experience of making rings with peace of mind.

Our customers are of a wide age range and the number varies from one to six people.

☆A girl or boy who comes alone.

☆Couples, friends, parent-child pairs

☆Three to four family member who come with their children.

☆Girls' group of four to six members.

And so on.

Up to six people can enjoy the experience together.

If you ask a group of people, "What kind of group is it?", The answers are various ....

🎈High school, college or vocational school classmates

🎈Colleagues in the same workplace

🎈Members of the same idol fan club

🎈Residents of the same share house

🎈Childhood friends


In some cases, everyone makes matching rings.

Also, you may choose the material, shape, and pattern you like, and make only the width and the fingers you wear the same.

Everyone can enjoy the lively patterning experience together.

I feel like I'm a school teacher (⌒∇⌒) ゞ Hehe ♪

When the ring is completed, everyone will have a photo time 📸

Wearing the freshly made ring, "Look this way" 📸

You will take home the just-made ring together with the photos which we hope will be one of your happy memories♬

If you are interested in handmade rings, why not join the ring-making experience🔨💍🔨

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

指輪屋 itoaware -いとあはれ- 最安で3,300円(Silver)から作ることができ、当日中にお持ち帰りが可能な手作りリングのお店です。 梅田から徒歩10分程のところにあるレトロな中崎町の古民家で職人が1点1点丁寧に仕立てます。 素材はSilverをはじめ、ゴールドやプラチナもございます。 指輪の内側に刻印を入れることも可能です。


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