Making rings & memories on Father's Day

Hello everyone!....

It's Father's Day soon ✨

Do you have any plans to do something for your father for Father's Day ?

I have already prepared a gift and mailed it 🧸

My dad's birthday is close to Father's Day, so I'm always careful not to get a gift that is similar..

For Father's Days or birthdays, I prepare handmade gifts for one and purchase ready-made gifts for the other day.

Unfortunately, my dad doesn't wear any accessories, so it's a shame that I can't give a ring as a gift.

So last year I gave a key case made of leather ☺️

Even if I make it and give it as a gift, it's sad that it becomes something that is always kept in the closet drawer, so ...

At itoaware Osaka, many people come with their families,

Each person maks a ring to their liking.

Some people will be presented at a milestone event.

Father's Day was 6/19 (Sun).

Last year, there were some people who came to the shop with their father on Father's Day and chose to give him a ring as a gift.

It's nice to have a ring patterning experience together 😊

There are only a few experience slots available on Saturdays and Sundays this week, so if you would like to experience it,

please make a reservation as soon as possible! !! !!

If you want to make a ring by ordering from a craftsman, you do not need to make a reservation.

Craftsmen will make it for each person with all their thoughts ✨

Information on our shops is posted on Instagram and Google, 

so please take a look ★

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

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