Pinky ring that I want to wear

Today, I will introduce a ring that I want to wear on my pinky finger✨

When I personally wear a ring, I tend to wear it on my pinky finger, but did you know that pinky rings are easy to lose?

When I woke up, my ring was gone.

In other words, it's a finger that is so insensitive that you won't even notice it is lost.

When choosing a pinky ring, it is recommended that the size fits perfectly.

If you choose a size with room to spare, you may lose it in no time.

By the way, there are meanings when you wear the ring on your little fingers.

Right: Looks more attractive

Left:   Your wishes come true and attracts opportunities

I usually wear it on my left finger, but I also wear it on my right finger at work✨

The reason I wear it a lot on my little finger is because it doesn't get in the way.

I'm right-handed, so I hold my pen and chopsticks in my right hand.

At times, if I have a ring on my thumb, index finger, or middle finger, it will clatter and make a sound, so I'm worried about it😢

When I work with my left hand, I use my thumb, index finger, and middle finger, so it's also a hindrance, so I inevitably use my ring finger as my little finger.

As a result of trying the ring on various fingers, in my case it was the pinky finger that didn't get in the way.

The ring I want to put on my little finger

2mm width ring!

1mm and 1.5mm are also popular choices, and stacking them up will double the cuteness!

The 2mm width ring is not too thick to wear on your little finger, and the pattern is clearly visible.

The width fits comfortably, so it is also recommended for people with thin fingers.

The other choice is an order-limited wide type ring.

I'm P1 size (No. 0), which is a relatively small size,

Because it is a size that is not common in ready-made products, there are few shops that carry it, and it is difficult to find it.

At itoaware, we can make up to P5 size (No.-4),

It's small, and it's great for those who have trouble finding such a size! !

How about one as a stylish item for autumn? ?

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