Which shape to you like?♬

This is Connie in charge of customer support😊

You can choose from three different shapes at our shop.

Round     Square     Octagonal

What are the differences, other than appearance?

① Round

The round shape is the most popular because it is the standard ring shape and because it is easy to make.

The round shape seems to give the impression of being harmonious.

② Square

Some people think it may be a little uncomfortable to wear. When you actually try it on, you will be surprised at how comfortable it is.

When you pass the ring through your finger, put the square corner part up and when it reaches the base of your finger turn it around so that the flat part faces up.

This way you can smoothly put it on and take it off.

Also, even if the square ring is a little big, it won't turn round and round on your finger.

People who tried on a square ring for the first time thought it was surprisingly comfortable and fashionable. Thus they decided on the square shape.

③ Octagon

Hexagonal rings are often seen, but octagonal rings are rare and there are many customers who say that it is their first time they came across it.

The octagon is as comfortable to wear as a circle.

In feng shui, the octagon is said to bring good luck.

In Japan, eight is said to be an auspicious number.

This is due to its shape – 八. Called suehirogari (末広がり)

It’s lucky because it widens at the bottom which reminds one of prosperity and growth.

For this reason I call it the "Double Lucky Ring".

Which ring shape do you like? 

Please find your favorite at our shop!

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