Ring-texturing workshop in English. Don't you want to participate!

This is Connie in charge of customer support😊

At itoaware Osaka, it is possible to attend our workshop and have the explanations given in English on the days when our bilingural staff is on duty.

As there is a bilingual staff who speaks both Japanese and English, it is recommended for

the following people.

⭕ You have stayed overseas for some time and would like to practice your English.

⭕ If part of the workshop is done in English, then you can practice your English without feeling any burden.

⭕ Have the explanations given in English but want to have the parts which you cannot

understand translated into Japanese.

⭕ Since my child is learning English, would like to have the explanations given in

simple English.

⭕ If you will soon be transferred overseas or if you are planning to go overseas to


⭕ If you studied English and would like to know how well you can communicate in English.

⭕ Your boyfriend is a foreigner and cannot speak Japanese. But you don't have confidence to translate the Japanese instructions into English.

⭕ You want to impress my partner that you can speak English.

⭕ You are a foreigner who can speak Japanese but feel more at home if the workshop

is conducted in English.

If you want to participate in our ring-texturing workshop, we ask that you make a

reservation in advance. Reservations can be made by telephone or by sending a DM

on our instagram. When making a reservation, please convey the fact that you would like

to have the workshop conducted in English.

If you are a foreigner, you can write the DM in English and we will reply in English.

If you make a reservation through the Jalan website, please call us to tell as that you

want it to be done in English.

The Jalan website is: https://www.jalan.net/kankou/spt_guide000000208867/

I look forward to supporting you in an international atmosphere.

Let's have fun together❗

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

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