Did you know that you can purchase the rings on display?

This is Connie in charge of customer support😊

It is possible to purchase the rings displayed at our shop.

If you find one which fits you perfectly and which you like, we will repolish the ring and

it is possible to take it home with you right away❗

It is recommended for the following people:

⭕ You have to go to the next appointment and you don't have time.

⭕ Since you are travelling, you want to go to your next destination asap.

⭕ You want rings made by our craftsman instead of participating in our workshop.

⭕ As the display ring fits you perfectly you want that ring.

⭕ You like the way the display ring is textured so you want that ring.

⭕ You don't have confidence to hammer in the pattern yourself.

⭕ As you are impatient, you want to take the ring home immediately.

The rings that are displayed are:

Material:  Silver

               10K gold (green, pink, yellow)

               18K gold (white, greeen, pink, yellow)

               Platinum 900

Shape:    Circle, Square, Octagon, *Pentagon (*exclusively sold in January and February)

Pattern:  PocoPoco, ZaraZara, KataKata

Finish:    Glossy, Matte

Width:    1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 3.0mm, *4.0mm(*available just for silver)

Please enjoy trying on the rings and if you find one that you like please let our staff know.

For those who have time, it is possible to order the ring and have it made by our craftsman.

The time needed to make the ordered ring depends on the material you choose as well as 

whether the shop is crowded or not.  At times it can be made in 30 minutes and if it takes time it may take about 2 hours.

At Nakazaki-cho there are many cafes and restaurants where you can enjoy drinking something or having something to eat while we make your ring.

For those who what to participate in our ring-texturing workshop, we ask that you make a

reservation in advance. However, if seats are available on the day, you will be able to

participate so please ask our staff.

Our staffs are all waiting to welcome you!

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

指輪屋 itoaware -いとあはれ- 最安で3,300円(Silver)から作ることができ、当日中にお持ち帰りが可能な手作りリングのお店です。 梅田から徒歩10分程のところにあるレトロな中崎町の古民家で職人が1点1点丁寧に仕立てます。 素材はSilverをはじめ、ゴールドやプラチナもございます。 指輪の内側に刻印を入れることも可能です。


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