Why are handmade chosen for marriage rings?

This is Connie in charge of customer support 😊

Wedding rings are generally available  ready-made or handmade.

Which would you choose?

For those who came to make handmade wedding rings through our ring-texturing experience, when I asked, "Why did you choose handmade instead of ready-made rings?", there were various reasons...

💕 Because we can shape and texture the rings ourselves.

     By exchanging each other's rings and hammering in the texture (pattern),

     at the same time we can hammer in our feelings for each other.

     Then it becomes  special original wedding rings just for the two of us.

💕 If we make it at the workshop, the original base ring and the final finish will be done by         the craftsman, So even if we are clumsy, we don't have to worry and the completed ring 

     will be truly beautiful.

💕 Because we can take it home on the day.

     In the case of a ready-made rings, it takes a month or more to deliver.

     If it's handmade at itoaware, we can make at the workshop or by order in which case

     the craftsman will make it. In both cases we can take it home on the day.

     So we can rest assured even if our wedding date or marriaage registration date is near.


💕 Because you can bring back memories with your rings.

      The staff willl take many photos during the session so you can take home memories 

      together with the rings on the same day.


💕 After-sales service

     In the case of ready-made wedding rings, there may be a deadline for after-sales       

     service and It often takes time to re-polish and adjust the size,

     In the case of itoaware, there is no time limit for polishing and size adjustment, and 

     after-sales service are completed within the same day.

For couples who wish to make their precious wedding rings at our shop, 

we will continue to do our best to make them really happy and fully enjoy the


Couples who want to just try on the rings before making a decision are also


We are looking forward to seeing you all 🙇

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