Why is our workshop popular among overseas visitors💍🔨

Hi !

This is Connie in charge of customer support😊

There are several reasons why our workshop is popular among overseas visitors.

✈ You can choose to have the workshop conducted in English.

To participate in our workshop, we ask that you make a reservation in advance and please

let us know that you wish to have an English-speaking staff support you.

First of all we will check if the time slot is vacant on the date and time you wish to come

and at the same time we will check whether our English-speaking staff will be on duty on that day.

✈ During the ring-texturing session, iif you are a couple you could exchange the rings and

hammer in the pattern of your choice as well as your feelings for each other. Special rings just for the two of you will be completed.

✈ When you hammer in the texture onto your ring, you will start with a ring that is smaller than

the size of your finger. Therefore as the ring expands you can wear it on your finger and check the

size to make it fit just right.

✈ If you like, photos will be taken during the session so that you could bring home happy memories as well your rings. 

✈ You can make a ring to take home to your family as well as your friends as a present or

souvenir of Japan.

✈ Many customers from overseas say that there are no such workshop in their own country and it's a special experience that they can enjoy during their travel.

✈ The rings will be ready on the same day.


If you are interested please send as a DM on our instagram.


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