How do you choose the width of the ring?

Hi ! This is Connie in charge of customer support😊

At our shop, before you participate in our ring-texturing workshop or order your ring

to be made by our craftsman we ask you to choose the material, thickness (width),

shape and pattern for the ring.

Today, we will introduce the thickness (width) .

The width of the ring you choose changes according to which finger you choose to wear it.

There are people who choose the finger while looking at the card we have at our shop

listing the meanings for each finger or if you are already wearing your own ring, you may choose a finger to match that ring.

When choosing a ring, most of the people prefer a ring that matches their finger.

For this reason, the majority of men have large fingers so if the ring is too thin,

the thinness of the ring will become too conspicuous so 3mm width is popular.

For those who prefer a wider ring, we recommend the 4.0mm width which is an exclusive 

item just for the Osaka shop.

Many men happily say, "I was looking for a wide ring like this, but there was no size that fits my finger. If it's handmade, it will be the perfect size".

For women, 2.0mm or 2.5mm widths are popular.

The 1.0mm and 1.5mm widths are very popular as pinky rings for both men and women.

I would be happy if this blog  could be a reference for choosing the width of the ring 🎶

We display rings of various widths (thickness) at our shop, so please choose your ring while enjoying trying them on.

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