Exquisite curry 'Dramatic Curry Golden Nakazaki'

Located in Nakazaki Tengo Shopping Street just outside Nakazakicho Station

Dramatic Curry Golden Nakazaki.


There are many dishes on the menu,

You can order by scanning a QR code, so you don't have to call the shop clerk.

You can take your time to choose and place your order.

There were so many different kinds of curry,

I didn't feel like I could eat that much, so I went for the Nakazaki Kabeef Curry.

White you are eating, it feels like you can eat more !

That's what I was thinking, but as I continued eating,

I'm glad I ordered this...

Although it was a simple curry, it was rich and very delicious.

If you eat hot curry on a hot day, you won't stop sweating, but you will feel refreshed 😊

A friend of mine has a curry with stylish toppings.

It was a very voluminous and beautiful looking curry ✨

There are many kinds, so please come and try them!

This shop is easily recognizable by the large spoon object at the front of the shop.

By the way, it looks like you can also order it!

It's necessary to check it though ✨

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

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