Stacking rings

Hello everyone ☀️
This is Itoaware Osaka shop.
In the past, we have introduced patterns, shapes, widths, etc. on the blog.
This time we will introduce how to stack rings 💍💍
Although there is an image of one ring, it is also popular to wear them in stacks.
Wearing one cute ring over another will give you a different impression💭🎨
Here it is✨
↑Our popular green gold
K10 green gold zarazara texture × katakata texture
Wear the thin 1.0mm and 1.5mm widths as a pinky ring.
Many people choose a narrow pinky ring, so
when you want to make a little more of a presence, stack them together to make them even more attractive💚
↑Standard yellow gold
K10 yellow gold zarazara texture × pocopoco texture
Layering with 2.0mm width
Is it too noticeable? I'm sure there are some people who think that.
The yellow gold blends well with the skin, so it has a subtle presence on ladies' hands.

What do you think? ❤
In addition to changing the pattern, there are various combinations such as changing the shape and width ⚒🎨
You can match it with your mood and coordination of the day, and you can enjoy it by wearing it alone or stacking it.
I feel that if you make rings for each anniversary with your loved ones, your memories will overlap and your love will deepen 😊

Also, by wearing the rings in stacks, they also serve as a stopper.
You don't have to worry about it slipping out of your finger and losing it, so it's also recommended as a stopper ring.
Also please try matching it with your own ring.

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

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