Metals for ring-making. How to choose


This is Connie from itoaware-Osaka.

Among the customers visiting our shop, some ask "How should I choose the metal for my ring?" 

Today, I would like to talk about metal selection.

I would be happy if this will be helpful for you.

What kind of metal do we have at itoaware?

We have silver and 5 types of gold.

By knowing the characteristics of each metal, I hope you will enjoy your ring selecting process.

Also, you can use different metals for one ring. 

Including this "combination ring", your choice will be limitless.

Five types of gold

Silver ring and combination ring

How do I choose the metal?

Silver [SV925]

Silver with it's natural texture and affordability is suited for everyday use.

Silver is recommended for those who like casual wear and for those who would like to enjoy wearing accessories in daily life.

Green gold [K10]

This is an elegant metal with a light tint of green added to the color of white gold.

Green gold is secretly gaining popularity.

Compared to the flashy yellow gold and pink gold, it has a calm glow.

Thus it can be said that it is easy to use in everyday life.

When shown to the customer, some are be surprised "I've never seen such a metal".

This green gold is recommended for people for want to try gold accessory for the first 

time, for those who want something different and for those who are looking for something they don't have.

Pink gold   [K10]   [K18] 

The warm pink color is the reason it is popular among girls.

This is why this metal is often chosen by boys looking for a present to give a girl.

Pink gold is close to "skin color" so it fits well and does not stand out too much.

For this reason, boys who choose this metal are increasing.

Some people say because of it's warm color, it is easy to wear with other gold items as well as with silver items.

Pink gold is recommened for those who want to enjoy fashion without being too flashy and those who want to use it in collaboration with other items they already own. 

Yellow gold  [K10]  [K18]

Overseas "ring = yellow gold" so it is said.

It is a standard metal from ancient times.

It is generally said that this is the metal that best matches the skin color of the Japanese people. It has a strong luxurious image. However, when used as a metal for work by craftsmen, the handmade image is all the more enhanced.

Yellow gold is recommended for those who like gold and for those who would like to own an impressive handmade ring.


Making a ring using different colored metals introduced so far is called a 

"combination ring".  Using silver as the base and adding a small amount of a different colored gold, various individuality can be expressed.

When the ring has several colors, depending on which part of the ring you want to show on your finger, it will give a completely diffrent impression.

Combination rings are recommend for those who want to own a "one-of-a-kind"

ring and for those who want to get a 2-way or 3-way ring.

How was it?

I hope this will be helpful in choosing the metal for your ring.

Please make your choice depending on your taste as well as your lifestyle.

On top of the pleasure of handmaking the ring yourself, hope you can enjoy the process of choosing the metal for your ring as well.

At our shop, we have a display of sample rings of different metals which you are free to try on. Please drop by and enjoy the different color o each metal.

I look forward to welcoming you and thank you for reading this blog until the end.

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

指輪屋 itoaware -いとあはれ- 最安で3,300円(Silver)から作ることができ、当日中にお持ち帰りが可能な手作りリングのお店です。 梅田から徒歩10分程のところにあるレトロな中崎町の古民家で職人が1点1点丁寧に仕立てます。 素材はSilverをはじめ、ゴールドやプラチナもございます。 指輪の内側に刻印を入れることも可能です。


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