jewelry from Japanese history

Hello. Everyone 🌄

I’m staff  "a" .

By the way, today's blog is about Japanese jewelry.

Everyone let's think together ^^

Once upon a time...there was...

That is an old story.

From caskets of old ruins, accessories such as jade necklaces and earrings ✨

You know that such jewelery has been unearthed.

Besides, many jewelry items such as magatama which is a comma-shaped bead, an ancient Japanse ornament have been found.

People from ancient times are really stylish!

What color is jade?

Do you imagine green?

I have a strong impression of green, but pyroxene crystals are chemically colorless.

There are various colors such as translucent, white, pink and orange.

Jade is said to have been possessed by a person which was selected as a symbol of wealth and power,

It is speculated that the person who had it was a powerful person or a rich person who had a strong influence in the area.

And the times flow.

Imagine the time when you are wearing a kimono 👘

Did anyone imagine wearing a necklace?

Probably only a few people would have imagined it.

That's right!

With the passage of time, jewelry is used for different purposes.

I also like the workmanship of this era, and when I look at the real thing, my tension gets really high.

Do you know what?

Sword collar, armor decoration, smoke pipe

Comb, hairpin, obi clip

Nail head covers, the handle of Japanese sliding doors


Rather than an accessory

Things to use in everyday life

It is often used for practical purposes.

However, this work is so beautiful that you will fall in love with it ^^

YYup. Yes. I love it.

Well, so far for the I love this appeal.

From around the Meiji era when this kimono culture changed to clothes

Rings and jewelry will spread as ornaments.

The wedding ring appeared from just about this time.

There was also a period of high growth after the war, and it was rapidly expanding in Japan.

Europe is famous for jewelry.

It is said that the wedding ring was also officially spread by Pope Nicolaus I of ancient Rome.

It is more than 1,000 years old compared to the days when Japanese people started wearing wedding rings.

And actually, considering the history of jewelry as a Japanese accessory,

That's a recent thing.

They used to wear accessories

Jewelry changes with the times.

And also wearing jewelry as an accessory.

It is interesting.

If you are interested, there are also books etc.published on this topic.

Please check it out★

Have a nice day!

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