Good-fortune ring

Hello everyone

In Japan, there are lots of lucky items, good-luck words, and dates.

One of the lucky words is “expansion”.

If you take it as it is, it means

Spreading widely towards the end.

It is explained as follows in the Google dictionary.


★Sue-Expansion [Sue-] [Expansion] explanation

1 Same as “Suehiro 1”. "The end of the spread  " and "the end of the spread  "

2 Same as "Suehiro 2". "House opens to the end"

3 Same as "Suehiro 3".


The number 8 is considered a lucky number in Japan because when you write it in

kanji, the shape of the character is wider towards the bottom.

Extending gradually from the top toward the end = It is spreading forever八".

"八" → "8"

This "eight" is "extended".

Also, if you set the number "8" to the side, it becomes infinity "∞".

I don't know if there was such an idea from old times,

There are also words that indicate that there are many (infinite) gods in Japan called "八百万の神 (many gods existing)"

There is also a kanji "八" .

And in itoaware, there is an octagonal ring.

There is also an "八" here ^^

It's an lucky charm ring that spreads out!

The octagonal ring itself is attracting attention because it is rare. ‥

And lucky ring ✨  good-fortune ring⭐

How about one as your lucky item?

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

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