We'll make your ring

Hello, everyone!

 I thought I would buy my own ring, but I don't know the size of my finger...

 It wasn't the right size, so I dropped it somewhere...

 The ring is so tight that it hurts...

Do you have any such experience?

itoaware can make rings from size 1 or less to size 30.

And because it is a semi-order, you can make it with the perfect size for your fingers.

Select material, ring thickness, shape, surface texture, etc.

Lastly, we will measure your finger size and make it in the exact size.

The slender rings can be stacked on top of each other, or you can wear different shapes to create a fashionable look.

With a slightly thicker ring of 2 mm or more, just one will give a strong impression.

The impression changes depending on the finger you wear it on.

Even if I have a lot of rings, you won't get tired of it.

It is also good to wear it according to the mood of the day!

Combining various patterns with clothes,

please coordinate your fingertips including the ring.

The surface texture

There are three types: PocoPoco, KataKata, and ZaraZara.

We also introduced textures in past blogs, so

Please refer to this.      → “The texture of Poco Poco ring”

Please also see this article.   → “Poco Poco Ring Shape”

If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.

You can contact us by phone, email, or Instagram★

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