Our customers' smiles and rings

This is Connie of itoaware, Osaka.

As usual, our ring-making experience is very popular.

I would like to introduce some of the customers who I was in charge of.

Looks like a real craftsman?!

Even though they are wearing masks, you can see that they are a beautiful couple.

They came to try out the ring-making session.

They chose the 2mm width octagon-shaped silver rings.

They also added the popular glossy option.

After receiving the lecture on how to proceed, it's time to start!

In case of an octagon ring, a special octagon-shaped iron rod is used.

The ring is placed through the rod and they start to hammer the rings.

While the ring is textured, the round shape changes into an octagon shape.

The point is to hammer the ring so that the ring's inner surface is flat on the rod's surface without any space inbetween.

Both of them checked if there were any spaces left by looking at the rod from the top.

This gesture made them look like real craftsmen!

After their careful work, the completed rings were beautiful.

After taking some photos for good memory, the sesson ended.

Enjoy ring-making on a holiday

Three ladies working for the same company came for ring-making experience.

They all decided to make silver rings. But for the width, shape and texture they all wondered "Which shall I choose?"

They finally chose the one they liked best.

After skillfully texturing the rings, the friendship rings were completed!

How about spending such an enjoyable holiday?

Thank you all for your happy smiles!

Pair rings with engravings

The next customer is a boy who is very attentive and a girl with cute dimples.

They chose to make silver rings with ZaraZara texture.

They also chose two options.

One is the popular glossy option and the other is the engraving option is is chosen by many couples. They asked for their initials to be engraved on the inside of the rings.

If you wish, we can also engrave anniversary dates as well.

During the session, their was a scene whereby they looked into each other's eyes.

The rings must be filled with their feelings for each other.

I was happy to be able to take part in making happy memories for them.

Thank you very much and may you be happy forever💕

Enjoy making the rings many times

Some time ago, they made pair rings at our sister shop in Kanazawa.

This time they came to our Osaka shop.

Unfortunately, the boy lost his ring.

But don't worry! You can make another pair rings with her.

Bang, bang, bang....the rings are textured with the KataKata pattern.

The new set of pair rings is completed!

At our shop, we make rings according to our customer's order.

Including the texture which the customer hammers onto the ring, they are order-made

"Only one in the world" ring whereby the same one does not exist.

Many like our system so even if they lose the ring, they will visit us again or some come to make a second ring or even a third ring. We are really happy about this.

The girl loves to take photos and she took many on that day and even sent me those photos. Thank you so much for those professional level photos.

Please be careful not to lose the rings and may you wear it on your fingers for a long time to come.

Would you also like to take part in the ring-making session?

You can see from everyone's smiles that it is indeed a very enjoyable experience.

Please make advance reservations through the jalan website, by telephone or by instagram DM.




※We give priority to those with reservations. In case the shop is crowded, we may not be able to offer you this service so we recommend that you make reservations.

#texturedrings #ringmaking #osaka #umeda #happymemories

#指輪作り体験 #笑顔 #楽しい時間 #ペアリング #ラブリング #友リング

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

指輪屋 itoaware -いとあはれ- 最安で3,300円(Silver)から作ることができ、当日中にお持ち帰りが可能な手作りリングのお店です。 梅田から徒歩10分程のところにあるレトロな中崎町の古民家で職人が1点1点丁寧に仕立てます。 素材はSilverをはじめ、ゴールドやプラチナもございます。 指輪の内側に刻印を入れることも可能です。


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