Flow of production experience ② ~ Actually making it ~

Hello ✿

Looking back on past blogs

Today, I would like to talk about the article "Flow of ring making experience ☆ 彡".

Last time, I looked back on the blog that was written about the flow when choosing what to make prior to the experience in the article "Flow of ring-making experience ~ Choose what to make ~", but this time it is an article that summarizes the part that you actually experience after selecting it. 

"Which part do you make it?" "Is it OK even if I'm clumsy?" "Can I make it beautifully?"

I hope this article will solve all the anxieties and doubts that come up when you want to experience making things or making gifts by hand ☺️

Please click here for the past blog "Flow of ring making experience ☆ 彡" ↓

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