Engraving the ring

Engraving is carving letters etc. on the inside of the ring

・Key words and dates of precious memories

・Name of your loved one

・Your own name and the name of your loved one

・Name of your pet

· Inspiring words

· Encouraging words

There are many other words to engrave on the ring.

At itoaware, we also engrave your rings

Our craftsman engraves each character by hand using a chisel .

Therefore, it will take some time to complete the engraving.

     The unique charm of a handmade item

     Joy of having an engraving on your ring

A ring filled with your thoughts is delivered to you...

Engraving is possible from a ring with a width of 1.5 mm or more.

Characters which can be engraved are as follows:

"Alphabet (capital letters)    "Numbers"   「・」「 . 」 「&」 「 to 」 

The price is 1,000 yen + tax for every 5 characters.

Most people choose dates or initials,

If you are a couple, there are many people who connect each letter of  each of your intials with "&" or "to".

In addition, the ring made at itoaware can be engraved at a later date.

Would you like to have an engraving on your ring?

*Some rings, such as the P6 size, may not be engraved.

itoaware -いとあはれ-大阪店

指輪屋 itoaware -いとあはれ- 最安で3,300円(Silver)から作ることができ、当日中にお持ち帰りが可能な手作りリングのお店です。 梅田から徒歩10分程のところにあるレトロな中崎町の古民家で職人が1点1点丁寧に仕立てます。 素材はSilverをはじめ、ゴールドやプラチナもございます。 指輪の内側に刻印を入れることも可能です。


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