2020.10.31 05:43Ginkgo Tree of Hakuryu DaijinDid you know that there is a shrine called 白龍大神(Hakyuryu Daijin) diagonally in front of itoaware?
2020.10.29 01:52Boulanger S. KAGAWA's bread for breakfast & lunchHello everyone!It's getting colder and colder these daysThis year, due to the La Nina phenomenon, it may or may not snow on the Sea of Jap...
2020.10.28 08:57朝&昼にBoulanger S.KAGAWAさんのパンみなさんこんにちは!最近はますます寒くなってきましたね今年はラニーニャ現象で日本海側にドカ雪が降るとか降らないとか気候が変わると体調も崩しやすくなりますのでお体お大事になさってくださいね。さて!今日はパンの話題です。朝、たまに通るといい匂いがして気になっていたパン屋さん。中崎町の...
2020.10.26 01:09I ate lunch at the shop 'IL Terra' feeling luxuriousHello!Ever since I saw the sign of the lunch menuI was interested in this shop and I went there!
2020.10.24 01:01도금이란?Ciao!! Buon giornotutti!이토하레에서는 많은 반지를 만들고 있습니다.가끔 고객님이 '도금인가요?'라고 묻는 경우도 종종 있는데,저희 이토아하레는 도금 가공을 한 반지가 없어 소재 자체의 멋을 즐길 수 있습니다.그럼...도금이란 무엇...
2020.10.23 01:08The chemical side of jewelry makingVarious chemicals are used in the field of jewelry production.Today, I will write about two of them, mainly the chemicals used for brazing.F...
2020.10.22 08:56ジュエリー制作の化学な一面ジュエリー制作の現場では様々な薬品が使われます。今日はその中の主にロウ付け時に使う薬品に2つについて書きます。例えば指輪を作る場合、金属線を丸めたあとに端と端がピッタリ合うように表面をヤスリで整えたら、ロウ付けという溶接の一種を行います。
2020.10.21 02:00You choose the ring to make and the finger to wear itHello!Do you know the birth flower and flower language?When you give a flower to someone, you don't just give a beautiful flowerYou may give...
2020.10.20 02:03作る指輪も着ける指もあなたが選ぶこんにちは!みなさんは 誕生花や花言葉をご存知ですか?誰かにお花を贈るとき、単純に美しいお花を贈るだけではなく花言葉に基づいてお花を贈ることもありますよね?