2021.05.31 02:00Tea Room Uriel's omelet rice 🎵This is staff a who went to Uriel for the second time for lunch.
2021.05.30 00:48반지 안쪽을 확인해 보세요.안녕하세요!!가지고 계신 반지 안쪽에 글씨가 새겨진 것이 있나요?작아서 자세히 보지않으면 못 알아볼 수도 있어요그 조각은 대부분금 종류의 각인이나 보석이 있는 디자인이라면 캐럿 의 각인입니다💡이 각인을 통해 그 반지가 무엇으로 만들어졌는지 대충 알 ...
2021.05.29 00:40반지에 각인을 넣어 보세요!여러분 안녕하세요. itoaware 오사카점은 우메다역 옆쪽의 나카자키초에 있습니다.나카자키초는 세련된 편집샵과 카페가 즐비해요.그 안에, itoaware 오사카점이 있습니다.itoaware - 「이토아하레」는 일본의 옛말로"아, 아름다운.....
2021.05.27 02:00Tea house ChamaI went to tea house Chama-san on my day off.It's a shop that I've always been interested in, so I was thrilled.It is a shop in the Tengo Nak...
2021.05.26 01:02Tea house 茶摩さん休日にTea house 茶摩さんへ行ってきました。前々から気になっていたお店なのでドキドキ。Itoawareの近くにある天五中崎通商店街の中にあるお店です。看板に導かれて2階にあるお店の玄関を開くとアンティーク調で落ち着いた店内が広がります🚪メニューにはランチメニュー、アフタ...
2021.05.25 02:00itoaware tools, "Yattoko".Hello! Thank you for reading this blog.You can order your hand made rings byChoosing your favorite shape and surface pattern, and the crafts...
2021.05.24 01:10いとあはれな工具達『やっとこ』こんにちは!ご覧いただきありがとうございます。当店のオーダーリングはお好きな形、表面の模様をお選びいただき、お客様の指のサイズに合わせて職人がひとつひとつ手仕事でお作りいたしております。ひとつひとつの指輪が出来るまでに沢山の工具を使います。今回はリング作りには欠かせない工具達にフ...
2021.05.23 01:08Combination Marriage Rings ❤&❤Hello!This is Connie, staff in charge of customer support at itoaware, Osaka.How about such marriage rings? He choses green gold and sh...
2021.05.21 02:00I went to “pipinera kitchen”.A long time ago, I went to eat lunch at "Pipinera Kitchen", a cute shop offering meals in our neighborhood.Antique furniture and miscellaneo...
2021.05.20 06:36ピピネラキッチンさんへだいぶ前にお昼ご飯を食べに行ったご近所の可愛いご飯屋さん“ピピネラキッチン”さん。古民家を改装して作られた店内はアンティーク家具や雑貨が置かれています。お店の外観も何から何まで可愛い…1番奥の席でおばんざいセットをいただきました🍽